Political Theology Seminar

Option for interdisciplinary study in: Religion and Society, Biblical Studies, Old Testament, New Testament, Christian Education, Church School Education, Religious Education, Research Methods

Core for the study of Theology and Society

Description: Political theology is the style of Christian theology which analyses, criticises and reconstructs the polis. This module will engage with different forms of political theology (Latin American, European, North American) to assess critically how political matters are incorporated into the self-understanding of theology and to test how theology develops a constructive political position.

Content: The core of the seminar is the attempt to understand (1) how theology has transformed itself in response to the politics of certain contexts and (2) how it has interpreted those contexts. The subject matter of the module will be drawn from Latin American liberation theology (1968-1979), political theology in Europe during roughly the same period and political theologies in the United States. The approach to political theology adopted here thus has two distinct yet related elements, substantive and methodological. First, it engages with the transformation of theological concepts as these emerge in political theology.

At issue here are interpretations of God, sin, etc.: in what ways are these altered in the face of particular political situations? Is the reconstruction of theology possible so that it might engage and transform secular political understanding? Second, the module concentrates on the methodological issue of how political matters are incorporated into theological understanding.

The engagement by Latin American and Black theological thought with the work of Marx and Engels, by European political theology with Western Marxism, by North American political theologies with feminist theory and theoretical interpretations of pluralism, cultural differentiation and fragmentation are examples of this methodological problem.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the module, participants should demonstrate:

  • substantial knowledge of the political theology of the last thirty years in the context out of which it emerges;

  • ability to enquire into the practical truthfulness of the various political theologies under discussion, partly as a result of a study of the constructive theological proposal themselves and partly after consideration of the methodologies operative in different theologies;

  • capacity to engage with political theological writing and to assess critically its constructive proposals and methodological assumptions;

  • skills of synthesis and creativity in close reading, and in presenting and defending a viewpoint in discussion, and producing an extended essay;

  • confidence in employing skills of communication and presentation of research findings according to scholarly conventions

Delivery; 300 hours total: 30 contact hours (lectures, discussions, student presentations and feedback on assignments); the remainder is individual study time


Bentley, P. Between Marx and Christ (Verso 1982)

Boff, C. Theology and Praxis: Epistemological Foundations (Orbis 1978)

Browning, D. & Fiorenza, E. Habermas, Modernity and Public Theology (Crossroad 1992)

Cone, J. A Black Theology of Liberation (Orbis 1986)

Dorrien, G. Reconstructing the Common Good: Theology and the Social Order (Orbis 1990)

Dussel, E. Philosophy of Liberation (Orbis 1985)
Gutiérrez, G. Theology of Liberation (SCM 1974)

Hewitt, M. Critical Theory of Religion: a Feminist Analysis (Fortress 1995)

Kee, A. Karl Marx and the Failure of Liberation Theology (SCM 1990)

Kirk, J. Liberation Theology (1985)

Meeks, M. God the Economist. The Doctrine of God and Political Economy (Fortress 1989)

Metz, J. Faith in History and Society (Burns and Oates 1980)

Bonino, J. Doing Theology in a Revolutionary Situation (Fortress 1995)

Milbank, J. Theology and Social Theory (Blackwell 1990)

Moltmann, J. Hope and Planning (SCM 1971)

Moltmann, J. The Crucified God (SCM 1974)

Nicholls, D. Deity and Domination (Routledge 1989/94)

Novak, M. Will it Liberate? Questions about Liberation Theology (Madison 1986/91)

O'Donovan, O. The Desire of the Nations: Rediscovering the Roots of Political Theology (CUP 1996)

Radford Ruether, R. To Change the World: Christology and Cultural Criticism (SCM 1981)

Scott, P. Theology, Ideology and Liberation: Towards a Liberative Theology (CUP 1994)

Segundo, J. Liberation of Theology (Orbis 1976)

Segundo, J. Faith and Ideologies (Sheed and Ward 1984)

Tanner, K. The Politics of God: Christian Theologies and Social Justice (Fortress 1992)

Taylor, M. Remembering Esperanza: a Cultural-political Theology for North American Praxis (Orbis 1990)

Thistlethwaite, S. Sex, Race and God: Christian Feminism in Black and White (Chapman 1990)

Thistlethwaite, S. & Engels, M. (eds.) Lift Every Voice: Christian Theologies from the Underside (Orbis 1990)